Andrei Andrei-Interview with the Model and Web Designer
Andrei Andrei-Interview with the Model and Web Designer
Andrei Andrei-many of you will recognize Andrei from his numerous modeling campaigns and the use of his image as numerous characters for some of our favorite storylines and novels. But did you know that Andrei is an accomplished Web Designer and cover model for some of our favorite books? Today at The Reading Café, we would like to present: Andrei Andrei
Professional Name: Andrei Andrei
Date of Birth: 1983
Birthplace: Arad, Romania
Education: West University
Degree: Math and IT
Modeling Career: 2004 to present
TRC: Hi Andrei and welcome to The Reading Café. We would like to start with some background information.
TRC: Would you please tell us about yourself?
Andrei: Hello, thank you for having me on your blog. This is one of those questions that causes me stare at the screen with a bit of a blank look on my face. There is so much to tell. I’ve been a model for several years and have done quite a bit of traveling. Currently I’m in Romania but I will return to New York in the fall to continue pursuing modeling and freelance web design. I’m hoping to make NYC more of a permanent residence in the near future.
TRC: What were your goals and aspirations growing up?
Andrei: Growing up I was the fat kid that got teased in school. Early on one of my goals was to change that and get in shape–something I accomplished pretty easily. By 18 I had changed my physique to reflect the inner me. I never thought I would become a model, but once it was a reality, I gave it 500%. I don’t like doing things half way. I was successful at modeling but always in the back of my mind I was that nerdy kid interested in computer science and code and geeky things.
TRC: Your modeling career began in 2004. Will you please tell us about how you got started in the modeling business?
Andrei: I went with a friend of mine to a local modeling agency who took an interest in me. They referred some of the pictures to an agency in Bucharest where I got the chance to participate in fashion week. From there I traveled to Asia to shoot my first catalog. The rest is history.
TRC: What have been some of the challenges you have faced in your modeling career?
Andrei: The fashion industry can be very shallow and at times brutal, but you can say that about almost any industry. It is extremely competitive which works to my advantage, but lacks stability. It’s difficult to determine where you’ll be next or what you’ll be doing. Maintaining friendships and relationships when you are constantly on the go is very difficult. The plus side is that I’m always meeting new people, but every so often I do desire to slow down in a place I can call my own.
TRC: Have you ever has a photo shoot that went completely wrong?
Andrei: We all have good days and bad days, the key is to give it your all and do the best job you can. I am not a whiner nor do I like to make a fuss. Frustration is part of every job. When I am on a job I am extremely professional and maintain a positive attitude. I am pro! 
TRC As a model, you have travelled extensively and to many exotic locations. Where is your favorite destination and why?
Andrei: I really love London and New York, both cities fit my sense of style. I love that in both these places I can sort of disappear or go crazy, they both allow for extremes I enjoy.
TRC: Nudity in modeling or acting can be controversial. Some pictures can cross the line between sexuality and pornography. You have posed nude for several photographers. What would you tell young models just entering the business about nude modeling?
Andrei: This is easy to answer. I don’t mind nudity so long as it’s artistic. Nudity is a personal choice models have to make. For the right campaign and the right photographer it can boost your career. Make sure you are working with someone reputable, then…take it ALL off.
TRC: The modeling industry exposes you to many people and sometimes it can be very stressful. At times do you feel alone, surround by so many people? What do you do when the stress becomes overwhelming?
Andrei: I am a very quiet person. I’m my best and most comfortable with close friends and family everyone else only gets a glimpse of the real me. I don’t do well with very superficial people and situations. I’ve learned to adapt.
TRC: You are an accomplished web designer as well as a model. What sparked your interest in web design?
Andrei: I didn’t get up one day and realize I was a creative person. That person is slowly emerging as I learn more and more about design. My interest in web design began out of necessity. I desperately needed a web site and didn’t really have the money to hire a designer so I began designing it myself. I knew I could probably do a better job than someone else. The thing about design, of course, is that when you are starting out the visual ideas in your head don’t jive with what you can craft say in Photoshop. That takes time. Luckily when I found myself in New York I met a very knowledgeable web designer who pushed me. Through her I got an internship at a design agency and was able to learn a lot and gain the confidence I needed to do more design. Strangely enough, my mentor was moonlighting as a writer on the side. She goes by the pen name of Narcisse Navarre.
TRC Will you please tell us about your web design business?
Andrei: In the next year I want to launch a website focusing on freelance web design and hopefully pick up some good clients. Look for (coming soon).
TRC: Does you modeling career interfere with your web design business or has it helped with your business promotion?
Andrei: So far I’ve been lucky. Most of the clients I’ve worked with have been extremely flexible with my schedule. Up to this point I’ve been able to do both pretty much seamlessly. Modeling doesn’t help much when it comes to promoting design. Yes, I know a lot of people, but ultimately my design needs to speak for itself. Modeling and design are apples and oranges.
TRC: You recently appeared on the cover of Donya Lynne’s RISE OF THE FALLEN-the first book in her new All The King’s Men series of novels and MICAH’S CALLING. Many readers of romance novels use the cover model as their depiction (or in their imagination) of the storyline hero. What do you think about your image as the hero for a vampire-romance novel?
Andrei: When Donya contacted me about the cover of her book I was working with author Narcisse Navarre on the trailer and book cover of An Endless Hunger (another vampire novel). I guess I am destined to be a vampire in some form. I finally surrendered to the idea and possibly…the dark side. Perhaps the role of Dmitry Bekilov is next (after some serious acting lessons lol) ;P
TRC: Do you know the number of novel covers that your image has appeared?
Andrei: That I know of I am in the cover of four books, though people write me all the time saying they have seen me on book covers. It’s possible that there are more, but I have only sanctioned two authors to officially use my image: Narcisse Navarre and Donya Lynne.
TRC: At times, there has been a ‘stigma’ surrounding the male model and the romance-cover industry. But the popularity of the paranormal romance storyline has skyrocketed in the last few years with the many vampire, werewolf and fantasy storylines. What is your opinion about the recent popularity and the very busy industry of the ‘romance cover model’?
Andrei: It’s bad to get pigeon holed into anything. As a model it’s good to keep your avenues open. Before Narcisse introduced met to the world of indie eBooks I had no idea that the male “romance model” was a business. It was not on my radar at all.
TRC: Would you please tell us what you do to relax?
Andrei: I enjoy hanging out with friends, having a drink, going to comedy clubs. I work out and spend lots of time on the computer learning new things. I find that with design I can never really get bored.
TRC: On what are you currently working on?
Andrei: Currently I am building a great big rocket ship and planning a manned expedition to Mars. Hmm…actually I am going to take some time to relax for the summer in Romania with my family and recharge my creative batteries.
TRC: Would you like to add anything else?
Andrei: Thank you again for featuring me on your blog. You will surely see me on a few more covers. Marzio Ombra and Narcisse are working on a sci-fi thriller and a few more projects I will be featured in, as well as Donya’s new book coming out this month.
LIGHTNING ROUND (a few quick one word answers for fun)
Favorite Food
Favorite Dessert
Skip it!
Favorite Movie
Lord of the Rings (All of them)
Favorite TV Show
Last Movie that you Saw
Dark or Milk Chocolate
Last Book that you Read
Last book was An Endless Hunger by Narcisse Navarre which encouraged me to improve my English.
TRC: Thank you Andrei for taking the time to answer our questions. You have a fantastic portfolio and an accomplished career in the web design business. We wish you all the best with ALL of your careers. It is a pleasure to meet the man behind the image.
Andrei Andrei
model / web designer / front end developer